Called into and unto the God who created, redeemed and is perfecting me

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Notable Quote

So I'm about to finish a really rocking book called "Evangelical Truth" by John Stott a very reformed Anglican that I have always heard is a very Spirit-filled theologian. They were right - This man speaks with such simple yet profoundly constructed thoughts that you find yourself reading the same page over and over, soaking in all of its contents. The book is just over 120 pgs yet it is extremely theologically weighty. One of the most engaging and enlightening reads I have partaken in in quite awhile. He is most certainly a scholar of teh scriptures. Check out this quote:

The same choice confronts all Christian communicators today. On the one hand we can we can flatter people and tell them what they want to hear, namely that they are fine people and can win salvation by their own effort. We develop what could be called a pussy-cat ministry, for we stroke them until they purr with pleasure. Or on the other hand, we can tell them the truth which they don't want to hear, about sin, guilt, judgment and the cross, and so arouse their hostility. In other words, either we are unfaithful in order to be popular, or we are willing to be unpopular in our determination to be faithful -John Stott "Evangelical Truth" pg. 83

Just mind-blowing how deep that statement cuts. Its very applicable to our cozy pulpits that give scraps to the congregation's selfish desires rather than extend the rightful invitation to feast on Christ.

Oh may we be faithful rather than popular!

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