Called into and unto the God who created, redeemed and is perfecting me

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Choosing To "Stop Painting Pictures of the Past"

Such a great song...
Thanks God

She is such a liar deceiving so many. First and foremost herself. She takes pseudo-responsibility just to redirect the blame. She has talked herself into believing her own lie, her parents as well. She kept and lied so much. If only her dad knew the half of it.

I am thankful God is a God of justice... that I can rest in no one getting a free ride who claim to be "of the faith".

She can't be faithful even to herself. She is beginning to bleed the lie that defines her.

So humbling to be a part of such stupidity. "Let her go screw someone else up" said my mom.
"Go and put up with her crap"

So thankful for redemption. Not that just appears like Christ or that poetically re manufactures his life, but that really believes He is who he says He is and that love compels us.

The "Pictures of The Past" that I am painting are growing ever distant. I am so thankful shes has proved herself meaningless a waste of a brain and illegitimate adulterated compassion. I wonder what philosopher she chose to follow today. Anne Lamont, Buber, Malcom X, Budda, or Ghandi.

help me to choose to not dislike her when I think of her.

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