Such a great song...
Thanks God
She is such a liar deceiving so many. First and foremost herself. She takes pseudo-responsibility just to redirect the blame. She has talked herself into believing her own lie, her parents as well. She kept and lied so much. If only her dad knew the half of it.
I am thankful God is a God of justice... that I can rest in no one getting a free ride who claim to be "of the faith".
She can't be faithful even to herself. She is beginning to bleed the lie that defines her.
So humbling to be a part of such stupidity. "Let her go screw someone else up" said my mom.
"Go and put up with her crap"
So thankful for redemption. Not that just appears like Christ or that poetically re manufactures his life, but that really believes He is who he says He is and that love compels us.
The "Pictures of The Past" that I am painting are growing ever distant. I am so thankful shes has proved herself meaningless a waste of a brain and illegitimate adulterated compassion. I wonder what philosopher she chose to follow today. Anne Lamont, Buber, Malcom X, Budda, or Ghandi.
help me to choose to not dislike her when I think of her.
Called into and unto the God who created, redeemed and is perfecting me
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Defending Trinitarian Doctrine
The Following is a paper for a pre-seminary/vocational ministry preparation class that I just started at the church I attend. The pastor leads this clas and every week assigns a difficult real-world ministry situation to wrestle through an defend using only Scripture the actual text and any word study tools are the only resources allowed. (no commentaries, discussions, sermon quotes etc...) Each week we have to turn in this paper and it can only be one page to make us be concise when running into these issues with people. Also we are assigned several chapters of J.I. Packer's manifesto "Knowing God" to read and be ready to discuss.
The first ministry scenario is as follows:
You have been asked to explain the Trinity to a group of college students who are new believers. They are trying to figure out what it means when we say that God is a "trinity," where we find the teaching in Scripture and how the "Trinity" is different from polytheism. How will you teach these new believers about their God? What kind of illustrations will help you explain the Trinity to them? Remember these are new believers.
My response:
Ministry Scenario One: Explaining and Defending Trinitarian Doctrine
The “Trinity” is a Threefold expression of the single God of the Christian faith - Identified by the Hebrew name “Yahweh” which directly translated means “I am Who I Am” (Ex 3:14). In the English translation of the Old Testament Scriptures “Yahweh” is typically translated contextually as “God” or “LORD.”
The term “trinity” is not explicit mentioned in scripture, yet the meaning of that term is found throughout scripture as mentioned in this discussion. My definition for the Trinity is: ONE God manifesting himself in three distinct, yet equal persons, specifically God The Father, God The Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit. “One” is emphasized because Christianity is a monotheistic religion (Ex 20:3; 34:14). This on the surface may seem contradictory due to the fact that we as Christians, in accordance with the Scriptures, believe in three distinct persons that are one being. The Trinity however, is not polytheistic. Polytheistic belief systems involve “deities” that either compete with each other or have limited territories of authority, i.e. Greek Mythology’s Zeus, god of the sky and Aphrodite god of love, beauty and sex; Thor, god of thunder in Norse Paganism or more commonly the vast variety of gods in Hinduism, all of which were “gods” of certain things. The difference between the previously mentioned polytheistic beliefs and the monotheistic Christian faith is that the members of the Trinity are three distinct but interconnected persons who jointly express the complete person, character, and attributes of “Yahweh” or God (1Tim 6:13-16; Acts 4:24). Moreover, unlike many of polytheistic systems God is totally sovereign over all things and completely self-sufficient. Also, the Trinity does not compete within itself or with other “deities” such as dualism, the belief that there are essentially two equal gods in opposition with each other and we exist in the midst of their feuding.
This triune God works in orchestration with all members of the Trinity to accomplish the works and will of God such as salvation (being saved) and sanctification (the process of a believing person’s life being transformed and conformed to the teachings of the Bible). Just as one person can or may express himself in multiple ways (i.e.: a recreational hunter, who has a job as a construction worker, and serves at his church as a deacon), each member of the Trinity reveals a unique role, or a unique facet of God to man. You could think of a proverbial symphony where God the Father (seen in the Bible as Shepherd, Creator, Judge, Ps.23:1; Gen 14:19, 18:25) is the conductor, Jesus Christ (the atoning sacrifice for man’s sin, the image of the invisible God Col. 1:15; Heb 10:12) is the instruments by which the alluring music is played, and the Holy Spirit (in the Bible - Helper Jn 14:6; intercessor Rom. 8:26) being the actual music and message conveyed to the audience - us!. Yet, the Bible makes very clear that the persons of the trinity are distinct and individual not just moods or emotions or activities of God, but His very being (power, authority and purpose) manifested in three forms all equally involved the world and are not created but ever present (Gen.1:3). Each of these persons of the trinity reveals to man’s limited understanding (Is. 55:8) who God is, highlighting and conveying his attributes, character, and purpose. We can see some of the specific functions of the Trinity in Galatians 4:6 “…God (Father Grk - theos) has sent the Spirit (Grk - pneuma) of his Son (Grk - huios)…” The context here is Paul speaking to believers at Galatia about the redemptive work of Christ where he shows God The father (identified by “his”) sent a separate member of the trinity - the Spirit, which is of the son -see Jn 14:26. Here we see The Father sending the Spirit of the Son to enable believers to cry ‘Abba Father” Here the distinct but unifying functions of the trinity are expressed - we may cry out to the Father through the Spirit, because of the work of the Son.
I believe John 14:26 is the most compelling verse for the existence and function of the Trinity within the bounds of the Bible. Here You see much like the Galatians passage the Trinity being present and relating to each other as well as see the members of the Godhead accomplishing the mission of God.
The first ministry scenario is as follows:
You have been asked to explain the Trinity to a group of college students who are new believers. They are trying to figure out what it means when we say that God is a "trinity," where we find the teaching in Scripture and how the "Trinity" is different from polytheism. How will you teach these new believers about their God? What kind of illustrations will help you explain the Trinity to them? Remember these are new believers.
My response:
Ministry Scenario One: Explaining and Defending Trinitarian Doctrine
The “Trinity” is a Threefold expression of the single God of the Christian faith - Identified by the Hebrew name “Yahweh” which directly translated means “I am Who I Am” (Ex 3:14). In the English translation of the Old Testament Scriptures “Yahweh” is typically translated contextually as “God” or “LORD.”
The term “trinity” is not explicit mentioned in scripture, yet the meaning of that term is found throughout scripture as mentioned in this discussion. My definition for the Trinity is: ONE God manifesting himself in three distinct, yet equal persons, specifically God The Father, God The Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit. “One” is emphasized because Christianity is a monotheistic religion (Ex 20:3; 34:14). This on the surface may seem contradictory due to the fact that we as Christians, in accordance with the Scriptures, believe in three distinct persons that are one being. The Trinity however, is not polytheistic. Polytheistic belief systems involve “deities” that either compete with each other or have limited territories of authority, i.e. Greek Mythology’s Zeus, god of the sky and Aphrodite god of love, beauty and sex; Thor, god of thunder in Norse Paganism or more commonly the vast variety of gods in Hinduism, all of which were “gods” of certain things. The difference between the previously mentioned polytheistic beliefs and the monotheistic Christian faith is that the members of the Trinity are three distinct but interconnected persons who jointly express the complete person, character, and attributes of “Yahweh” or God (1Tim 6:13-16; Acts 4:24). Moreover, unlike many of polytheistic systems God is totally sovereign over all things and completely self-sufficient. Also, the Trinity does not compete within itself or with other “deities” such as dualism, the belief that there are essentially two equal gods in opposition with each other and we exist in the midst of their feuding.
This triune God works in orchestration with all members of the Trinity to accomplish the works and will of God such as salvation (being saved) and sanctification (the process of a believing person’s life being transformed and conformed to the teachings of the Bible). Just as one person can or may express himself in multiple ways (i.e.: a recreational hunter, who has a job as a construction worker, and serves at his church as a deacon), each member of the Trinity reveals a unique role, or a unique facet of God to man. You could think of a proverbial symphony where God the Father (seen in the Bible as Shepherd, Creator, Judge, Ps.23:1; Gen 14:19, 18:25) is the conductor, Jesus Christ (the atoning sacrifice for man’s sin, the image of the invisible God Col. 1:15; Heb 10:12) is the instruments by which the alluring music is played, and the Holy Spirit (in the Bible - Helper Jn 14:6; intercessor Rom. 8:26) being the actual music and message conveyed to the audience - us!. Yet, the Bible makes very clear that the persons of the trinity are distinct and individual not just moods or emotions or activities of God, but His very being (power, authority and purpose) manifested in three forms all equally involved the world and are not created but ever present (Gen.1:3). Each of these persons of the trinity reveals to man’s limited understanding (Is. 55:8) who God is, highlighting and conveying his attributes, character, and purpose. We can see some of the specific functions of the Trinity in Galatians 4:6 “…God (Father Grk - theos) has sent the Spirit (Grk - pneuma) of his Son (Grk - huios)…” The context here is Paul speaking to believers at Galatia about the redemptive work of Christ where he shows God The father (identified by “his”) sent a separate member of the trinity - the Spirit, which is of the son -see Jn 14:26. Here we see The Father sending the Spirit of the Son to enable believers to cry ‘Abba Father” Here the distinct but unifying functions of the trinity are expressed - we may cry out to the Father through the Spirit, because of the work of the Son.
I believe John 14:26 is the most compelling verse for the existence and function of the Trinity within the bounds of the Bible. Here You see much like the Galatians passage the Trinity being present and relating to each other as well as see the members of the Godhead accomplishing the mission of God.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A Notable Quote
So I'm about to finish a really rocking book called "Evangelical Truth" by John Stott a very reformed Anglican that I have always heard is a very Spirit-filled theologian. They were right - This man speaks with such simple yet profoundly constructed thoughts that you find yourself reading the same page over and over, soaking in all of its contents. The book is just over 120 pgs yet it is extremely theologically weighty. One of the most engaging and enlightening reads I have partaken in in quite awhile. He is most certainly a scholar of teh scriptures. Check out this quote:
Just mind-blowing how deep that statement cuts. Its very applicable to our cozy pulpits that give scraps to the congregation's selfish desires rather than extend the rightful invitation to feast on Christ.
Oh may we be faithful rather than popular!
The same choice confronts all Christian communicators today. On the one hand we can we can flatter people and tell them what they want to hear, namely that they are fine people and can win salvation by their own effort. We develop what could be called a pussy-cat ministry, for we stroke them until they purr with pleasure. Or on the other hand, we can tell them the truth which they don't want to hear, about sin, guilt, judgment and the cross, and so arouse their hostility. In other words, either we are unfaithful in order to be popular, or we are willing to be unpopular in our determination to be faithful -John Stott "Evangelical Truth" pg. 83
Just mind-blowing how deep that statement cuts. Its very applicable to our cozy pulpits that give scraps to the congregation's selfish desires rather than extend the rightful invitation to feast on Christ.
Oh may we be faithful rather than popular!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Kate and Brian McLaren
So recently talking to my ex I realized how much her and Brian McLaren are alike...Not identical for sure but very similar.
The way they talk and "converse" or "post". My ex was born to be emergent. She has no personal centrality of truth, has mentioned in the past on numerous occasions how she doesn't believe in a literal hell or believe in scripture as "correctly interpreted" but sides with deconstructionism. She embraces most postmodern precepts and its reaction to modernity with little reservation. All of these things I don't agree with. Does that make me better or superior - not remotely.
My ex and I think differently. She is a rocking person and will accomplish something I believe at some point significant for the kingdom.
To her and Brian's (def not to be confused of me) credit they are very Christ like in social issues namely the poor and the oppressed. But that is the only doctrine they seem to stand on.
The controversial, offensive and definitive-truth-Christ, is absent in their paradigm. The mentality of Jesus being harsh or telling somone that they are going to hell is either omitted from their Bible or inconsequential to them. Calling them dogs, mocking them (yes, Jesus used sarcasm) would never come from the pulpit of Brian McLaren, yet Kate is a pretty clever wielder of sarcasm.
Now my ex I think would get around this by saying that Christ relates in a 'more hippy" way to her than I. Well If there is a Christian standard outside of the Bible I am jealous that she has discovered it and not I. People love to justify thinking and the judgments that they make even when they clearly contradict the Bible.
I am a liberal when it comes to love and people and conservative when it comes to the Bible and its doctrine being the final authority on faith and practice for my life.
I love to live in the tension because my God is bigger than ideologies. I see him more clearly when I stop trying to align with segmented streams of thought and read the Bible and live it for what it teaches.
I am not making an active attempt to be a rebel or seeking to conform.
That being said when those around me McLaren or my ex or Pagitt or whoever refuses to follow all or accept all of Jesus' teachings AND call themselves BIBLE BELIEVING CHRISTIANS then THEY self-label themselves heretics.
It is very difficult for me to embrace some of God's very offensive teachings in the Bible such as God hating Esau from before he was born or letting lepers die or Lazarus die, but I must accept it as truth through faith or the Bible loses credibility and we are put as believers in the midst of an argument of subjective beliefs for which we have no standard.
The way they talk and "converse" or "post". My ex was born to be emergent. She has no personal centrality of truth, has mentioned in the past on numerous occasions how she doesn't believe in a literal hell or believe in scripture as "correctly interpreted" but sides with deconstructionism. She embraces most postmodern precepts and its reaction to modernity with little reservation. All of these things I don't agree with. Does that make me better or superior - not remotely.
My ex and I think differently. She is a rocking person and will accomplish something I believe at some point significant for the kingdom.
To her and Brian's (def not to be confused of me) credit they are very Christ like in social issues namely the poor and the oppressed. But that is the only doctrine they seem to stand on.
The controversial, offensive and definitive-truth-Christ, is absent in their paradigm. The mentality of Jesus being harsh or telling somone that they are going to hell is either omitted from their Bible or inconsequential to them. Calling them dogs, mocking them (yes, Jesus used sarcasm) would never come from the pulpit of Brian McLaren, yet Kate is a pretty clever wielder of sarcasm.
Now my ex I think would get around this by saying that Christ relates in a 'more hippy" way to her than I. Well If there is a Christian standard outside of the Bible I am jealous that she has discovered it and not I. People love to justify thinking and the judgments that they make even when they clearly contradict the Bible.
I am a liberal when it comes to love and people and conservative when it comes to the Bible and its doctrine being the final authority on faith and practice for my life.
I love to live in the tension because my God is bigger than ideologies. I see him more clearly when I stop trying to align with segmented streams of thought and read the Bible and live it for what it teaches.
I am not making an active attempt to be a rebel or seeking to conform.
That being said when those around me McLaren or my ex or Pagitt or whoever refuses to follow all or accept all of Jesus' teachings AND call themselves BIBLE BELIEVING CHRISTIANS then THEY self-label themselves heretics.
It is very difficult for me to embrace some of God's very offensive teachings in the Bible such as God hating Esau from before he was born or letting lepers die or Lazarus die, but I must accept it as truth through faith or the Bible loses credibility and we are put as believers in the midst of an argument of subjective beliefs for which we have no standard.
Thoughts on the Accuser - A Girl Oblivious To Me.
I'm confuzzled...
So my ex-girlfriend talks about how she is so "afraid of me" and that "I intimidate her." Just polling the audience of people that know me...
Have I ever been threatening to anyone?
In all of my actions and activity to the opposite sex I have never threatened or hurt anyone or anything. She wants to psychoanalyze me in hopes of finding something to hang her hat on. Come on... I really don't know her. I have 11 months to look back on with question marks. I have another female to put in the category of "may be untruthful and dangerous to anyone who gets within hearts reach"
I hate I was deceived. I wish I was more discerning.
Thank God I didn't marry her. I could only imagine what would be going on now if we were still together and I was still trusting her a s she would tell me she was going to do xyz and "just trust me"
Discernment has been a huge profitable lesson. She had the guts to call me scary and intimidating.
God would you maximize my mind in you that I would be consumed with you.
God through this conversation bitterness has begun to creep back up and I dont want it to take hold of my heart when we have battled together to forgive and forsake the past to use its knowledge to build a brighter and mightier future.
So my ex-girlfriend talks about how she is so "afraid of me" and that "I intimidate her." Just polling the audience of people that know me...
Have I ever been threatening to anyone?
In all of my actions and activity to the opposite sex I have never threatened or hurt anyone or anything. She wants to psychoanalyze me in hopes of finding something to hang her hat on. Come on... I really don't know her. I have 11 months to look back on with question marks. I have another female to put in the category of "may be untruthful and dangerous to anyone who gets within hearts reach"
I hate I was deceived. I wish I was more discerning.
Thank God I didn't marry her. I could only imagine what would be going on now if we were still together and I was still trusting her a s she would tell me she was going to do xyz and "just trust me"
Discernment has been a huge profitable lesson. She had the guts to call me scary and intimidating.
God would you maximize my mind in you that I would be consumed with you.
God through this conversation bitterness has begun to creep back up and I dont want it to take hold of my heart when we have battled together to forgive and forsake the past to use its knowledge to build a brighter and mightier future.
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